Monday, January 31, 2011



Sejak mummy bersahabat dengan nuffnang ni
BE yang mummy dapat tak putus-putus lagi.
Terimakasih cik nuff sebab walaupun posting
mummy tidaklah sehebat orang lain namun masih mendapat
tempat juga dalam dunia blogger ni sekaligus mendapat BE dari
cik nuff ni. Selama mummy berkecimpung dalam dunia blogger ni
mummy dah berjaya cashout pendapatan dari nuff sebanyak tiga kali.
Kira oklah tu pada mummy...
Hajat dihati tahun ni nak peram dulu kasi banyak...
baru nak cashout boleh beli barang yang mahal-mahal sikit..hehehe
tapi anak dara mummy pun dah mengendeng-ngendeng dah duit tu
nak beli handset dia...
Nilah dia idaman anak dara mummy...
hopefully mummy dapat merealisasikan impian dia
pada hari jadi dia nanti....amin...

Oklah...dah meleret-leret ke cerita lain dah...
lagi sekali tq cik nuff...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Introducing another way to optimize your Nuffnang earnings (Cayalah)

Ada sesiapa yang dah baca pasal peluang baik ni????
Bagi sesiapa yang belum baca...dipersilakan baca ye...
Fresh from our blog...
bagus juga peluang ni kan...
cayalah nuffnang!

Hello Nuffnangers!

It’s been almost 4 years since Nuffnang has started and in that time we’ve helped our community collectively earn millions of RM from their blogs. It’s a constant challenge for us at Nuffnang, always looking for new ways to bring more rewards to our community. This year we’ve decided to roll out an additional system to our current banner ad network.

Many of you probably know that there are two types of ad campaigns that run on Nuffnang for the past two years, which are the Cost per Click (CPC) ads and Metered Cost per Impression (mCPM) ads. The main difference between them is that for CPC ads, you get paid when genuine clicks are generated from ads on your blog, while for mCPM ads, you’re paid according to the unique impressions advertisers purchase from your blog who’ll be able to see the ad. You can actually read more about these ad types on our FAQ page, or write in to our helpdesk to find out more!

Not everyone has a constant stream of ads running all the time so we’ve been experimenting with methods in which to further optimize the ad space from your blogs and increase earnings. After consulting some of our loyal Nuffnangers, we’ve decided to roll out our first Cost Per Action (CPA) ads. With CPA ads, you get rewarded whenever there’s a specified action desired by the advertiser e.g. a product being purchased or, a registration form being submitted as a result from clicking on the ad from your blog etc. The amount earned will range from the transaction involved. The more difficult it is to do the transaction the more you earn. For example, if users who click on a banner are meant to just fill up a form, a blogger can earn say RM1 to RM20 per sign up (depending on the advertiser). However if it’s something more challenging, say if something of high value is bought then the amount rewarded can be even over RM50 being rewarded per transaction.

Please note that mCPM or “buffered earnings” (as some Nuffnangers refer to it as) will always take priority over CPC or CPA ads. Should your blog be selected by an advertiser for an mCPM ad, it will override the CPC and CPA. The CPC and CPA ads will only come on if there are no other ads running.

If you don’t want to have any CPA ads on your blog however, feel free to turn the option off using the Blog Manager tab on your dashboard. We’ll be watching over the new CPA model as time goes by and tweaking it over time to ensure it turns out to be an effective new stream of income.

And that’s all there is to CPA ads :) Thank you, Nuffnangers, for your everlasting support!

If you have any questions, feel free to write in to us via our helpdesk.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Cerita teladan utk suami2 yang malas.......
Di sebuah kedai roti, Akob begitu asyik menonton perlawanan bolasepak di depan kaca TV, tiba-tiba isterinya terus masuk,

"Bang, lampu di halaman depan dah terbakar tolong ganti yang baru ye". "Pasang lampu?!!, kamu ingat saya nie TNB ke?" jawab Akob.

"Kalau abang tak mau tukar lampu, abang tolong betulkan paip air sebab airnya dah tak boleh keluar", minta isteri Akob lagi.

"Betulkan paip?, kamu ingat saya nie Jabatan Bekalan Air ke?", jawab Akob mengelak.

"Kalau semuanya abang tak mau buat tak apalah, tapi kalau abang ke kedai nanti jangan lupa tolong belikan saya gas memasak sebab rumah kita dah kehabisan gas", kata isteri Akob.

"Mintak maap bebanyak saya tak kerja kat Petronas", jawab Akob dengan sinis.

Kerana merasa terganggu Akob terus keluar ke rumah kawannya untuk menyambung menonton perlawanan bolasepak.

Kira-kira jam 2 pagi kemudian Akob pun pulang kerumah. Akob menjadi hairan apabila mendapati lampu di halaman terang benderang, Akob terus ke bilik air, dia sekali lagi terkejut apabila mendapati paip air tak ada masalah lagi. Apabila ia ke dapur Akob mendapati tong gas juga penuh.

Pada keesokan paginya Akob bertanya pada isterinya "Awak minta tolong pada siapa...?". "Begini bang, setelah abang keluar dari rumah semalam, saya menangis di halaman rumah.

Tiba-tiba ada seorang lelaki yang sedang melintas di depan rumah kita, bertanya kenapa saya menangis. Saya ceritakan segala- galanya kepadanya. Dengan rela hati dia sedia menolong saya tetapi dengan bersyarat". "Apa syaratnya?", tanya Akob ingin tahu. "Syaratnya saya perlu pilih sama ada buatkan ia roti atau tidur dengannya".

" Jadi awak buat roti apa untuk dia?", tanya Akob. "Buat roti...?!!! Awak pikir saya nie Kedai Roti ke...?!!!"

Ke manakah lokasi percutian anda?